Legendary: Guardians of the Galaxy, an expansion for Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game, adds five new heroes to the game for players to recruit. Using these heroes, players can create their own powerful combos on the fly, combining their heroes’ awesome abilities to take down nasty Marvel Masterminds like the Kree Supreme Intelligence!
70 hero cards14 Drax the Destroyer
14 Gamora
14 Groot
14 Rocket Raccoon
14 Star-Lord
5 Supreme Intelligence of the Kree Mastermind cards
5 Thanos Mastermind cards
16 Villain cards8 Infinity Gems
8 Kree Starforce
18 Shard Tokens
4 Scheme scenarios: “Unite the Shards”, “Forge the Infinity Gauntlet”, “Intergalactic Kree Nega-Bomb”, and “The Kree-Skrull War”
Rules Sheet
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